Job Details: Forbairt ?iti?il CLG Dh?n na nGall / Donegal Local Development: Oifigeach Fiontair (M?ithreachas) / Enterprise Officer ? (Maternity)

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Forbairt ?iti?il CLG Dh?n na nGall / Donegal Local Development: Oifigeach Fiontair (M?ithreachas) / Enterprise Officer ? (Maternity)

_T? An Cl?r Gn?omhacht?ch?in Pobail agus Cuimsi? S?isialta
(SICAP) **Apply on the website** ? mhaoini? ag Rialtas na h?ireann
tr?d an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail, agus ? chomh-mhaoini?
ag Ciste S?isialta na hEorpa faoin Chl?r um Infhostaitheacht,
Cuimsi? agus Foghlaim (PEIL) **Apply on the website**._

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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